Nice dude, don't think it's pathetic because I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I'm actually about to re-learn/learn myself, kind of the hard way. I have very very little dirt bike experience, the last time I rode a dirt bike was May 2012, and I ended up breaking my collarbone when I wiped on a TTR125 (yeah I know, kind of a tame bike to break a bone on, but you can break a bone on a mountain bike). Anyways, that was one of the very few times I've ever ridden a dirt bike my whole life. So now, one year later after the last time I rode a dirt bike and breaking my collarbone, a buddy of mine is keeping his CR125 at my house, and he says I can ride it whenever. So I mean at some point I have to ride this thing, it's just that I have such little experience on dirt bikes, a CR125 isn't really the best bike to re-learn how to ride again on. I've never ridden any type of 2 stroke in my life, so this is gonna be a new experience for sure. Just gotta hope I can get over the hump and back into riding dirt bikes again. I really do think dirt bikes are fun, It's just that I've had a whole year to think about the last time I touched a bike, and the fact that I broke a bone in the process...