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We had a bit of an incident yesterday working on it, so its kinda on hold for a few. We were buttoning up the the trim that had to go on before we shingled. My buddy helping me was on the roof marking a piece, went to hand it down and stand up to get down himself. He brushed up agianst some lines that were just behind the shed and got shocked pretty good.

Come to find out the lines are over 50 years old and are the old copper wound around steel core. They are out dated and hanging way to low for the volts they carry. My buddys doing fine for the most part. He was sweating and they figure thats what saved him. Path of least resistance. It knocked him out and gave hims some burns that are equivalent to minor 2nd degree burns. Hes one lucky SOB.

Right now we are waiting for the electric company to fix this problem. It should have never taken an accident like this for them to get off their a$$es.
That sucks ass. hope he's alright and recovers with no issues
Hes doing good. They should actually be releasing him tomorrow if all goes well. He was still in shock a bit today and couldnt keep any food down, but this afternoon he could. Ironically he is still bound and determined to help me get it finished. The only thing he upset about is that the electric company has let these lines like this for years. We didnt realize it til last night, but since Ive lived here we've called them a number of times a year to fix problem where people were without power.
glad to hear your friend is good. the power company is the same way out hear.
glad to hear your friend is good. the power company is the same way out hear.

You and me both man. I was to him before we even got 911 called and needless to say I was worried when I got up there and saw him. He actually got released from the hospital today, with orders to stay out of the sun as much as possible until the burns heal.

He was talking to some people and found out about an 1hr away there is a place that has like 20 miles of wire that date back to ww2. The electric companys need to get off there a$$es around here with this out dated **** before some one gets killed.
You and me both man. I was to him before we even got 911 called and needless to say I was worried when I got up there and saw him. He actually got released from the hospital today, with orders to stay out of the sun as much as possible until the burns heal.

He was talking to some people and found out about an 1hr away there is a place that has like 20 miles of wire that date back to ww2. The electric companys need to get off there a$$es around here with this out dated **** before some one gets killed.
That's pretty ****** up that they haven't done it like years ago my stepdad worked for the electric company for 45 years and they get paid really good for that **** not to be happening that line should have been updated or removed decades ago just ******** if you ask me
Your telling me man. Ill get some really good pics of the lines tomorrow and the transformer that looks like it is rusting out and post them in a thread. I got looking today and the lines pass with in a few feet of atleast to of the mobile homes here including mine. I never noticed it til now. These lines are carrying 7200 volts(thats what the electric company guy told me) and are about 15 to 20 ft at the most off the ground. My sheds 12ft tall on a 2ft high base at the back and the neutral line is only about a foot and a half higher. Of coarse if they measure form down the hill farther they can claim its higher, right behind the shed it just drops off to the point when we mow it, we are sitting on the fender to keep the riding mower from high siding and rolling. Its only about 2 ft higher than my neighbors place and passes right over the back of his place
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SUE. That guys got some money coming his way. The electric company will be sure to fix ALL the wires in that area after they have to dich out a bunch of money now.
SUE. That guys got some money coming his way. The electric company will be sure to fix ALL the wires in that area after they have to dich out a bunch of money now.

He doesnt want to sue, he not the type to sue over things. But he is giving them an ultimatum, fix the lines and every little thing with our power or they are going to sue. Hes actually trying to do the whole park a favor here, if one of those lines fell and landed on one of our mobile homes, with most of them being older and metal. The wiring inside would fry and start a fire. And I know most people know how quick they can go up.
Im not sure what he's planning there, as I havent asked. Ya know only time will tell how this pans out, but the electric company better get off their ***** here shortly. Since they have my shed coned and taped off, yet we've only saw them over here twice for a grand total of about an hour between 2 different days.
Sueing people is lame, suing companies over there own faults and lasyness, is worth it.
Well ive finally had time to do some work to the shed. The power lines still are not fixed< but they did tension them some so as long as I pay attention to where Im at Im safe. Since the last post we've finished the floor and got the door up. luckily the drought we've had this summer saved the roof wood from water damage, so I decided before winter could beat me, I better get the roof done. now remember this is the first and only time ive shingled. I think its looks good, followed instructions to a T.

