We had a bit of an incident yesterday working on it, so its kinda on hold for a few. We were buttoning up the the trim that had to go on before we shingled. My buddy helping me was on the roof marking a piece, went to hand it down and stand up to get down himself. He brushed up agianst some lines that were just behind the shed and got shocked pretty good.
Come to find out the lines are over 50 years old and are the old copper wound around steel core. They are out dated and hanging way to low for the volts they carry. My buddys doing fine for the most part. He was sweating and they figure thats what saved him. Path of least resistance. It knocked him out and gave hims some burns that are equivalent to minor 2nd degree burns. Hes one lucky SOB.
Right now we are waiting for the electric company to fix this problem. It should have never taken an accident like this for them to get off their a$$es.