K & N filter and a few questions......

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
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Where can I find a K&N that I can use with my pro-flow setup? I have a Uni on it now and might what to try the paper route.

Also, anyone know what there paying for oil filters? I for a lot of 10 at 4.60 a piece wondering if its worth it.

X-Ring chain, shat size should I go with?
I'll see if I can figure out what filter fits the pro design kit. I had to buy one because the one that came on my ****** modquad kit wasn't even close to fitting right. I know it's not really designed for a quad, it's to mount on a single chevy carb or something like that in a multiple carb setup.

I get Tusk oil filters now, i'm usually not a fan of their products but I can't argue with the deal. The filter looked 100% identical to the oil filter that comes from the dealer, and for a hell of a lot less. I can't remember the price exactly but probably like 3 bucks or something.

Go with a 98 link chain, should work for any sprocket combination. I like the Parts Unlimited chains because i've had really good luck with them but just about anything brand name should work fine.
That's the exact filter that Pro-Design includes with the kit. You can probably find it cheaper elsewhere, fleabay or something like that.

There are also links to compatible prefilters on that page, definitely a must with the gauze filters (and don't call K&N filters paper, dammit, it's not the same)
man when i got my pro flow kit the filter was hard as **** to get on the metal adapter, the adapter was kinda oval and the filter round
what sprocket settup are you running on your warrior? stock takes a 98 likn i believe and if you are running a 15 tooth front and a 40 rear you need 102 link and to buy the oil filter at my local shop they want aroung $10 bucks each but there was a special on rockymountain a while back where they had warrior filters for $3 something each but limit 2
I'm back to stock gearing now. Found a deal at my local shop on x ring chains, I think a 100 link will be fine, I can always take some out it need be.