Keihin Carb??? anyone run it?

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even without an accel pump this is still a good just looking for less hesitation, n when i land from a jump it acts like its not getting any fuel for a second which about sends me over the handle bars sometimes haha
oh and ive been trying to find one i cannot find one, they have been expecting them soon at dennis kirk for like a month i called them and asked when they were suppose to be there n they still arent in and they said it was gunna be 8-10 days lol
i havent messed with it much i think my float might be out of adjustment also, but im just looking for more all over power also im gunna put a uni air filter on the end of my carb for dune riding too lol
put a outer wears on it for sure one adjustment you can do without buying jets is adjusting the needle
1 pull gas tank or carb off remove slide assm.
2 remove throttle cable and throttle return spring
3 pull needle out and pop the c clip out carefully this thing can leave like a missle if handled poorly
4 re assemble the slide in the reverse order that you took it apart

id move the c clip down one notch on the nedle it sould alow more fuel through the main get and possibly fix your problem i know on mine if its off by one clip it wont rev past 1/2 throttle or hesitates allll the time like a cold 2 stroke
i didnt actually know the needles were adjustable on the stock carb...but i didnt really look at it eather...but when i get it put back together n get a pod filter on it ill let u know how it does
I cant seem to get this carb tuned right, when i go down a hill with the clutch lever pulled in it stalls(48 pilot,aen needle 3rd position have to check again, 160main) If some else has this carb what is your jetting. I just need a starting point. Getin to the point that I wished I bought a stock carb instead.