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Ben your just jellous becuase im ******* ripped and in better shape then the whole lacrosse team becasue i swam.

Yeah but how about that ****, isnt our school ******* retarded or what?
dude now thats ****** up becaue swimming is a huge sport, well it is around here idk about you guys. I could understand lacrosse becasue it isnt that big yet but swimming.
Well im 25 compared to you as 15 i promise you the next 10 year's any injury's you had will hurt more!!! and am really heavy on my feet 220 -250 so i see no use in pushing my ankle any further i do not have insurance so i cant afford to *** it up again once i got over 19 mom and dads insurance's dropped and my job now the insurance is not worth a ***...
hahaha how about this, we had practice the other day and the field was too bad to play on becaue of the melting snow so my coach had us play on a hill that had like little holes and **** and i twisted both my ancles all though half are team did too.

I just dont get why our school hates us so much that they cant just give us a field that doesnt flood like every day. and the feild they gave us is in like the outskirts of our town so that also pisses me off, every other sport is on school property which is right by my house.
Hahaha how about this ****....i took a ride in an abulance to find out what i already knew, i had a concussion from some fatass that plowed me over. What a waist of time and money, also now i cant play intill i get a peace of paper signed by some sports docter saying i can play again. What ********, they only called the abulance becuase i was uncounscious and couldnt talk when i came back to being conscious. By the time we got to the hospitial i knew i was fine.
I play golf. let me tell you, that's hardcore. This one time I forgot my glove and got a blister on my hand. dude, I was out for like a week. My buds didn't expect me to ever get on the course again. But I'm a hard charger. oh yea.
hahahah lmao, i work at a golf corce and let me tell you there hard core. Pshh yeah right i learned to hate golfers there *******, well a lot of them are then theres a bunch of nice ones that arent compleat dicks.
K i just got back from a concussions from getting getting plowed over by a fat ass on tuesday of last week and the first time i got on the field, they wernt letting me on because they didnt want to risk it. But with in the first min of me geting on, i go for a ground ball slip and some guy kicks me in the back of the head. hahahaha my coach was like i think hes hurt again should be pull him off, he said that to some other player which told me. Anyways i was fine i just thought it was funny.
hahahaha so we had a turny on saturday, were i fractured my spine last year, sucked by the way. But anways we were in the 3rd game of 4 and i got nocked out again, right when the emr got to me i woke up, i told them i was fine, i didnt want to sit out for a week again, because a ******* concussion. But yeah its the second one i have ever had and it was within a month of the first one. I guess they are right when they said after your first its easy to get more.