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[quote:05tmr5dz]he meant 00 as in a 2000. but ws that was very ignorant.

agreed that was totally uncalled for you cry when people bash on your halo quad maybe he cant aford things[/quote:05tmr5dz]

i can almost pay for the yfz450 in 1 year but im helping my parents get out of deat so that y i work 2 jobs and skool and have no free time to do anything for my self im at work now on my 5 minit break and i work most sundays and when i do have time i like to sleep senc i never get any but i work so we dont loose our house ans to pay off my bank loans ect and my bills
ima trying to get one after i get every thing payed off and then ill save enought up to get it and pay it off the day i get it
Yeah my **** would be that dirty if i had to work 24hrs...bring her down my way, I'll get her cleaned in a weekend for ya..make her look fresh!!