Problem. I bought my 06 Raptor without a rear caliper on it. Previous owner said it was frozen. So I got around to buying a brand new one and just put it on today. The thing is, I filled rear resevoir and began pumping to bleed em, but no fluid makes it to the bleed screw and it doesn't get even the slightest bit harder and it's not accepting fluid through the lines. No air bubbles at the resevoir when i pump either. I pump and pump and pump, had a partner hold the pedal, then cracked the screw. Nothing. I'm familiar with bleeding brakes and I read the manual on how to bleed for my quad.
Is it possible that there is so much air in the lines, it won't suck down any new fluid? Mind you that the brake line went unhooked to a caliper for who knows how long and the resevoir was dry. Do I possibly get some sort of syringe and force fluid through the bleed screw to prime it? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
Is it possible that there is so much air in the lines, it won't suck down any new fluid? Mind you that the brake line went unhooked to a caliper for who knows how long and the resevoir was dry. Do I possibly get some sort of syringe and force fluid through the bleed screw to prime it? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.