In 01 or 02 I dyno'd it, the engine on alcohol was around 32 hp. I'm not sure of the NOS size, but I think it was around a 20 shot, dyno'd at 47 hp. The guy that let me run on the dyno didn't have the right program for alcohol for fuel, so it was measuring everything as if the exhaust gas was with gas, so it probably wasn't totally correct. FST told be the engine should have been, on gas, around 37hp, so it was off about 5 hp.
Oh, the piston is cutom built for the Four Stroke Tech stroker crank, from JE, it's a $205.00 piston & the head gasket is $35.00. When I built this engine in the spring of '98, it cost me around $1300.00 w/labor. I think U should be able to build it for around $900.00-1000.00, if U do the take down & putting it back together yourself. Most big shops have a 400cc stroker & FST offers a 430cc & 446cc.
If I rebuild this yr., I'm thinking of going to a 470cc or 480cc, don't know yet what I'm gonna do.
I am thinking about putting in a dirt drag track if the economy picks up, so that's why I don't know if I'll rebuild it.
It's blown up right now. Over reved it in fall of '07, rod through the cases 2 times in front of engine & it knocked the starter totally of engine. I missed 2nd. gear at about 30 ft. from start & with the wheels still in the air, it let go.