The one thing that comes to mind for me is that everybody and their grandmother have modded out 450's 660's, 700's. You could be exactly like them, or work over a 350 and create something completely unique. Obviously this person had money to burn. Maybe it just was one of thos projects that happened one piece at a time over 4 years and evolved into what it is, that's how my warrior came to be. 50 bucks here, 100 bucks there, it really can creep up on you and by the time you realized what kind of money pit you dug yourself into, it's too late to turn back. That's what happened to me, but I finally got the shits of constantly working on the Warrior when I could have been riding, so I spent an enormous amount of money on my 700 which I now ride about 4 times a year... I sometimes have poor decision making skills, if that hasn't become apparent yet.
One other thing that comes to mind, now that I think about it, is it might have been a decision based on machine classes in racing. That thing wouldn't be able to hold it's own in an open class or 450 class, but put it in a 400 class and it could dominate. Possibly maybe even raced in a division where riders under a certain age were limited in cc's?