i try to remember to mention it to him this weekend... i need one bad, i've been doing way too much beating for way too long not to have one... they will be steel if he has to weld them but he should be able to come up with something...
hmmmmm, i think ill just mock up a piece of steel to slip in there, then put a 90 degree bend in it and rivet it to the stock, if only i could weld, then i could make a nice one....
You guys gotta think though, you want the saver to sort of be pliable as well too. So aluminum or poly are your best bet. Steel saver will help but still have the ability to crack and crack the case with it. The aluminum will bend and warp with the blow.
yeah i know but i only know one guy that can weld aluminium and not charge me... .problem is that guy doesnt build stuff from scratch nor does he want to.... ill just use some cheap low grade, thin-ish steel so it will bend some...
i have some thin aluminum, ill try one out of that, its a little to thin, but im not to worried about the hit of the chain as it does grinding holes, like it did in my das 250x, ill tryone tonight and put a pic up along with my sharpened foot pegs