Oh ****, that helmet is FUBAR! Glad to hear you came out with only minor injuries. But your accident is definitely a reason why to wear a good helmet. Any real damage to the Recon?
this is why we are supposed to wear helmets, theres a good chance you could have been severly hurt or at least ended up with your mouth wired shut to heal a broken jaw. Glad to see you ok. id say that helmet saved the day
when i use to ride dirt bike i hit a rock with my rear tire throwing me over the bars and breaking my visor...split my spleen in 2 and broke 5 ribs....got airlifted to boston (from nh) helmet saved my day as well...i know this was gonna hpen some time during this post and i am glad i am saying it....it is because it is a honda
damn bro good thing your okay, yeah i broke my face once on my friends yz but i wasn't wearing a helmet :. if you wernt wearing a helmet you wouldve been dead. thank God you were