orange county ny

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Jul 19, 2014
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:argh:any one knows of some nice trails around orange county ny? the place where i used to ride got bought my city people now we cant ride anymore
No but I'll ask some friends up that way ... I live right across the border in NJ
You might be able to still ride at MTA, although I'm not positive. Other than that, there's not many 'public' places.
Riding in Orange Co.

Hey p09luis,

I'm always looking for people to ride with. I have a few good places to ride that are a lot of fun and a good variety of trails. Let me know when you're ready to ride I'll take you out to a few places.

Due to job responsibilities, I'll only be able to ride Feb. 13th/14th '16 and then not again until the end of Feb. maybe March but let me know and I'll keep in touch.

Hey mugzy it's christoph from the blaster forum. I'm riding a warrior now. 1st Gen. What's going on bro. Wanna meet up sometime. My friend sold his blaster.