piston and rings?

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Yes the 10:25:1 is the wiseco. Ive never heard of the hard facing so i cant answer that but as far as exhaust goes white brothers e series is by far my favorite out of the exhausts ive had on my quad
I really think Greg Will treat ya right man, I'm not one for pushing names around or one business over another but when I speak to someone personally on the phone & they seem to go out of their way to help me regardless of a sale....I'll send business their way. I have 2 cylinder heads for my Warrior & when I get the money one of them Will to my boy Lloyd Elliot down in Tx. He's very well know in the Automotive port world, specifically with late model GM's but Lloyd had always gone out of his way to speak with me, answer or return my calls or emails. He quoted me $250 to do my head but it'll be awesome when it's done. elliotsportworks.com
I like to send people in a direction where they can get quality work & customer service. Customer service is soooo lacking in today world!
that cwr has the cheapest prices i have seen. thanks for that info. i might send my lincolns heads to this Lloyd guy. always looking for new ways to haul that 5000lbs around faster!
im just going to try to keep the motor pretty stock and cheap to build. maybe in the future porting, maybe!
i love it. but i also want something that will just make me wet myself cuz of its raw speed and power. i live like 90mins from trevorton so i have some of the biggest hill climbs on the east coast near me. im a 2 stroke lover, what do ou think is the best? i love the 250r. thats my favorite