Hey guys my place was rezoned about 4 years ago from county to city, it sucks. My dg exhaust is way to loud. Lol From listening to u guys I think I want to go with a hmf, but I was wondering is that the quietest exhaust there is?
mt fmf Q is quieter then hmf. hmf does sell a quiet core to put on it, not sure on the decibels for it. I'm between 92-94 which is pretty quiet for an atv aftermaket exhaust
I have a think hmf supertrapp, it has the disc on the end of it. If I put those on I can putter around the hood and not be too loud and nobody has ever said anything. Though take the disc off and its pretty loud.
I had the same thing happen to me. Was running an old DG, way loud. What I did was get a new take off yfz450 pipe (silencer end) and modify the mounting brackets and add an extension to the warrior head pipe and it all bolted up. welding required and I have a 2+2 axle (the tire barely clears). I couldnt be happier with the outcome. Quiet and the bike has better low end and pulls better through to top. I have no acess to a dyno but the seat of the pants feels better. I race a yfz and my buddy races a rappy700 we both have extensive experience on warriors and we think this is the ticket if you have to adhere to sound levels on a budget.