rear axle loose?

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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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newmarket. canada
on my rear axle my brake rotor and sprocket have come play. i was wondering if its the 2 lock nuts on the side i have to adjust of is it the bearings are starting to go has any one else had this problem?
possible those came loose, if theres play in the two hubs, but it doesnt like rock back and forth on the axle then you just nee to tighten it. you can buy the 40$ tool from yamaha, or use other ways such as pipe wrenches (my personal way) or a hammer and a big chisel, assuming you dont have wreches to fit those nuts, nobody does
ya just tighten those nuts... they are a 50mm or a 2 inch.....same size just standard and metric....
Before so just check to see if the whole axle rocks. Mine did and when i changed them it didnt move and that was before i even put the nut on. Better to do it sooner than later.

I dicovered an awsome way to tighten the nuts, it could work to take them off also. I put a C clamp on one and a wrench on the other. Apply the clamp to the inner nut. Take a strap and tie from the rear grab to the clamp. Break outter loose and its easy from there sorta. Worked for me when i put on. Think outside the box.