Rear Carrier/ Wheel Hub issue?

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Active Member
Jan 9, 2013
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What's up guys? I pulled the axle last night to look at/ replace my bearings and realized the whole carrier was also loose. I thought i would go ahead and pull it off, clean the inside, had a little rust and such, i noticed it was held on by two thru-bolts? All the pictures that i have seen, in the downloadable manual, show 4 bolts? Two on the top two ears and two on the bottom where the tensioner assy's are! What gives here, or am I missing something?

I'll try & post pics. Photobucket the best way to do this I guess?
You'll have to show some pics for sure. You can just download them, or post from photobucket.
But ya, there should be 4 bolts??
not sure how to do the photobucket thing yet and not having any luck figuring out how to upload them from my computer? any ideas?
should only have one top bolt and two bottoms for the second gen first gen takes 4 bolts. i would replace the bottoms with stock bolts or equivalent.
I finally figured out the pic deal!
Mathius, as you can see in the scond pic, the bottom "spacer tube" fell out. appeared to have been JB welded in place. Both the top and bottom had one bolt going all the way through from one side to the other. BTW there was only one tensioner!
Alex, do you think the one on bottom was placed there to compensate for something else? looks like it would've been more trouble to do whats been done than put what was supposed to be there?
maybe someone thought it would be an improvement upon it? idk but the stock configuration is probley better than that and you should get another tensioner. not good to run it like that!
OK according to the parts diagram on rocky mountain ATV, there are two thru bolts for the '02! Makes me feel a little better, just need to weld the spacer back. Dont really have to do that, not like it's gonna go anywhere!
i would change to the 3 bolt cause the carrier could of been swapped. and the 3 bolt is better because there is more clamping force.
heres what it should look like together, 2 thru bolts, 2 adjusters, all should install a zerk while you got in your hand:)

Thanks mrjim, and I do plan to put a zerk in! had nothin but rust inside the carrier. BTW, from what I can see, I like the paint scheme on your bike. A little detail on the caliper? nice!