riding problem

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ThE BeaSt oF GuMm hiLL

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
Dear Abby

Ever since it has gotten wet and cold Ive been having some riding PROBLEMS and Im wondering if you or your loyal fans might have the answer.
The main problem is when I want to go riding this time of year everybody says "its too cold." "its misting rain.""maybe tomorrow." How do i fix this? Ive tried making fun of them by calling them sissies and other demeaning names and even offered to buy them lunch.
Dont say go ride by yourself cause thats not an option I always ride with one other person for safety reasons.

Not A Fair-Weather Rider in 10-A-C
well christmas is coming up and its that time for giving.

Try giving them some heated handgrips for their wheeler(that outta atleast keep their hands warm and on top of that it might hurt your feelings if they didnt use them;) , now wouldnt it)
HEATED HAND GRIPS !!!!!! I wouldnt be caught dead riding with somebody with heated handgrips. If I came across someone on the trail and they saw one of us had heated handgrips they would think we were both FRUITY (fruity meaning ***). I place heated handgrips and color coordinated riding outfits in the same girly-man category.
If I lived further up north I would get some heated grips for mine but I dont so I get by with just using my winter matco gloves to keep my hands warm.

Plus I dont think you could tell if you had heated grips on as you pass someone anyway.

But you did want a way to get your buddies on the trail didnt you? :lol:

and besides if he had the grips on his you wouldnt look fruity he would and then you can make fun of him :lol:
Dear Problem,
Try the old, "Know some hot girls that want to ride with us," trick. Show up with your best dress on, cooler and pot of chili. Some good video of pink girly man getting his dress all muddy and your buddies rolling on the ground in laughter. Pop some tops and eat some fart stew your buds will soon realize there is no excuse better than ridding with freinds.