[quote:b1u1r3p7]so what? this is $70... y would you sue someone over $70... small claims court wouldn't even take that...
This IS NOT a Small Claims Court matter. Since you sold someone something and Defrauded them across state lines it has become a Federal Felony. In most cases that's facing Jail time, and HUGE Fee's, nevermind the fact that If you get a lawyer to cover your ass, he will charge you out the ass to do so, mostly because your chance of winning that law suit is Very slim to none. No matter if it was $10, or $10,000 When you cross state lines it becomes a Federal Matter, and that's where the BIG Penalties come into play. And when it comes down to federal cases they will charge someone under 18 as an adult if they can get the charges to stick, wen in your case, it's pretty easy to see that the charges will... I don't really know you, but what I do know I don't like that much. But I'm trying to keep you out of legal trouble, and keep you from having a permanant record. Send him his money first, since you lied to him, with enough to cover the cost of shipping, and since he's a stand up guy, you'll get your shock.
and for JC, If he doesn't do it, then Contact his parent's and tell them that you tried to settle this with him, and your tired of it, either they square it away in 1 week, or your going to the authorities. It's the only way you'll be able to get your money is if he's backed into a corner.
~Bill[/quote:b1u1r3p7]Listen to him-lets settle this allready