Well-Known Member
Have any of you actually read some of the asinine comments and questions on the facebook page? Just scrolled through it earlier and some guy said he would replace a cotter pin with a nail cause it won't fall out as easy. Wtf? Are these guys really that stupid? There are so many more but that one just sticks out to me right now. I know it's wrong but I sometimes check out the ******** posts to laugh at just how stupid some people are. Don't get me wrong, we all ask dumb questions from time to time but some of these guys are just stuck in dipshitville. Scary thought is they could possibly be out there reproducing. I am not as active on here as I used to be but I don't currently own a warrior. I have had 2 so far and will probably get another soon. I have a tendency to buy, fix, and flip four wheelers often. I like having this forum to get ideas and ask legit questions but I fear that the facebook page will make the good guys shy away from the forum also. How about we boycott the facebook page and get this forum back on track again. I'd rather deal with the jackoffs on the polaris forum than have to use the yfm 350 facebook group. And that is saying something!