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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
albany N.Y.
one of the big problems with the edelbrock is you cant take full advantage of the throttle because it is so stiff you take loinger to push it in

would an aftermarket throttle housing/assembly help this or should i buy a throttle extender

because the faster you can push the throttle in the quicker it responds so i would like to be able to push it and not be whimpy on it like you have to
I have not had this problem yet, then again i do have the twist set-up.

Try lubing everything up, maybe it just has some dirt in it.

And a throttle extender would help.
no its not dirt but i know it is a problem with it being harder to push so a stock carb you can pish it to full throttle in .3 seconds and the edel it will take .8 or whatever so

what do those aftermarket throttle housing things have as an advantage for having one
no its not dirt but i know it is a problem with it being harder to push so a stock carb you can pish it to full throttle in .3 seconds and the edel it will take .8 or whatever so

what do those aftermarket throttle housing things have as an advantage for having one

Not much beside the fact that most are billet. a Thumbsaver should help with it being hard but wont help you push it any faster because of the added rotation from the longer thumb thing.
just by a twist throttle, much better throttle response even with the stock carb, i notcied a huge difference with mine, i bought the motion pro vortex which has a 95 degree max rotation and i would never go back to the thumber
just by a twist throttle, much better throttle response even with the stock carb, i notcied a huge difference with mine, i bought the motion pro vortex which has a 95 degree max rotation and i would never go back to the thumber

Twist Throttle has nothing to do with the response of the motor to the carbs mixture.
they're not exactly the same because the banshee and blaster throttle assemblies have a spot built into them for some kind of sensor for t.o.r.s., but i don't think there's any difference in the leverage or pull. I really have no idea about the yfz though.
maybe you need to do thumb exercises or something... the edelbrock is a little stiffer, but geez, I can ride for 3 days straight and my thumbs are pretty much the only part of my body that aren't sore and tired.
thumb exercises. I can flick the throttle open instantly. Maybe you need to lube up your cable or something.
ok how do i do that then........the cable can only be lubed on the ends and there is no way to get any lube down inside like in the middle
does anybody have a luber i could borrow...i guess that would be the cheapest thing to try

I bought mine at the local shop for like 8 bucks, it's not really worth borrowing when it costs pocket change to begin with.
well actually, i think the throttle cable that comes with the edelbrock is sort of funnel shaped on the handlebar end. you should be able to just squirt some wd40 in there, and then wiggle the cable a little bit to work it through if it doesn't run in by itself.
somebody said they needed to wind the spring to get it to stop sticking, how do i do that.....and also the cable luber is an amasing tool
Just buy wd-40 and keep one end higher then the other and spray it while moveing the cable back and forth