Just did mine. The compression rings were fine, but the oil rings had no tension; oil dripped out the tailpipe like a 2 stroke, but it ran great. Standard bore was near perfect.
That said, I'd definitely recommend disassembling the head as well while it's off. Mine was run without/low on oil by a previous owner, causing wear on all "sliding" contact points. Rocker shafts are a bit of a PITA to get out and in. Cam pops out with a slide hammer pretty easily. The big cam bearing and stock valves can be found very cheap on Ebay. If your cam is toast, there's a nice complete kit available to do it all. Mine needed a valve job, too. The factory seat cut on the intake side was horrible, and the exhaust seat was pitted (normal from use). Deck surface on the head from the factory wasn't pretty, either. Squared it up with a sheet of 220, 400 then 600 sandpaper on a glass table in about 45 minutes.
Better safe than sorry, it's cheap insurance.