Trip to Paragon on Jan. 20-21

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Well guys, it looks like we just made our last trip to Paragon :'(. They pretty much lost this battle before they ever started fighting. The best we can hope for now is that they will start over, and build something even better the next time around, possibly even purchase the land instead of dealing with ******* landlords again.
Well, paragon will still be open saturday and sunday. I'm going to do everything I can to free up some time and make it up there one of those days. If anyone else is interested in one last ride, post up quick and maybe we can get something together. It'll be the most crowded anybody's ever seen the place for sure, but there's no way i'm missing the last ride there.

Also, management said that admission for everybody will be $5. I'm still probably going to write the check for the regular price as a donation, right now they need everything they can get.
If ParaGONE's Management has abided by the terms of the lease, they'd still be open come next friday.

But they did not, and they tried to play hardball with the landowner.

LOL ParaGONE owned.
I doubt paragon actually broke the lease. I never saw any indication of it other than what PCA claimed. Everybody in that courtroom had their mind made up before ever hearing the case. Probably because that means more money in the pockets of anybody important in that sad little town. Hazelton will be a complete dump by the time that airport is completed.

If you think you know something i don't know about this, then clarify what exactly paragon did to break the lease.
I doubt paragon actually broke the lease. I never saw any indication of it other than what PCA claimed. Everybody in that courtroom had their mind made up before ever hearing the case. Probably because that means more money in the pockets of anybody important in that sad little town. Hazelton will be a complete dump by the time that airport is completed.

If you think you know something i don't know about this, then clarify what exactly paragon did to break the lease.

By not reporting profits to the land owner, when stated to do so in the lease.

Plus, a Cargo airport is going in ParaGONE's place.

1000's of Jobs>People playing with toys.
Tax Base>Toys
Have you ever been to hazleton? It's a nice little town, and all the locals and businesses seem to be doing very well. There's no crime, pollution, poverty, or anything else bad to speak of. That airport is going to have such a huge impact on the place, it's going to be a 100% different place by the time this airport is running and stable. Instead of a nice little town, it's going to be a big, noisy, polluted, crime-infested ********. Just with more revenue. I don't know about you, but i'd be hella pissed off if that happened to my home town because our elected government officials got greedy. I highly doubt many of the current residents will be there 5 years from now because it definitely won't be the same town that was there when they moved in. So is it really doing good for hazleton? From my point of view it looks more like wiping out the nice small town to make room for the ******** that has more jobs, for more illegal immigrants to work.

Paragon will live again though, it's only a matter of time. When Kyle and Steph started this place the first time they had a lot less cash, knowledge, and support than they have on their side now.
LOL shows what you know about the area.

Hazelton has a law prohibiting illegals from working in city limits.

Neighbors are happy as hell, because they just won the lotto. Land values are already skyrocketing JUST on the announcement of the airport.

and maybe if they had not been greedy, they could hae purchased the land the park sat on.

I hold no remorse for the shady business dealings of Paragone adventure park. Had they just reported profits, the land owner would not have had a reason to break the lease.

Not reporting them=Shady dealings.
Definatley don't balme them for this, it is not all/any their falt for this. From what I have read (don't remember exactly where), they were never really asked for the profits.

Another thing they are being accused of is "damaging" the land, even though in the contract, it says that the land can be altered and cleared if it was for buisness purposes. That's exactly what they did, and nothing else!! So that just goes to say what type of people they are dealing with. They are accusing them of false stuff so they can make more $$ then they already are.
Definatley don't balme them for this, it is not all/any their falt for this. From what I have read (don't remember exactly where), they were never really asked for the profits.

Another thing they are being accused of is "damaging" the land, even though in the contract, it says that the land can be altered and cleared if it was for buisness purposes. That's exactly what they did, and nothing else!! So that just goes to say what type of people they are dealing with. They are accusing them of false stuff so they can make more $$ then they already are.

LOL more people that don;t know.

1. Stated in LEase: Profits for Each Previous year must be reported before January 10th the Following year.

They did not. Just because landowner did not ASK FOR THEM means nothing.

2. HUMAN FECES. Yep, Poop on the Rubicon, is now Poop on the ParaGONE.

Human waste was washing down into streams, and collecting around neighbor's property.
[quote:nnd15cwa]Definatley don't balme them for this, it is not all/any their falt for this. From what I have read (don't remember exactly where), they were never really asked for the profits.

Another thing they are being accused of is "damaging" the land, even though in the contract, it says that the land can be altered and cleared if it was for buisness purposes. That's exactly what they did, and nothing else!! So that just goes to say what type of people they are dealing with. They are accusing them of false stuff so they can make more $$ then they already are.

2. HUMAN FECES. Yep, Poop on the Rubicon, is now Poop on the ParaGONE.

Human waste was washing down into streams, and collecting around neighbor's property.


That's a crock of ****.

(haha, did I really just say that?)
Man, that sucks... I never got a chance to get there, but I hear it was awesome. Bummer....
(got this from another site. Hopefully it helps)
A newspaper is about to post the results of a poll regarding the following:
Cargo Airport versus closing an Off Road park....

SEND THEM A MESSAGE via THIS POLL PLEASE.... Who cares if its not in your area... Vote anyway!!! <<<--scroll down to bottom for poll

Are you in favor of the cargo airport proposed for a site near Humboldt?

VOTE NO!!!!!!!!

NOW go post this in every off road forum you belong to!!
Thank you