What OIL?

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Nov 17, 2016
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I just picked up a 99 warrior and I was wondering what oil everyone is using and what weight thanks?
I just picked up a 99 warrior and I was wondering what oil everyone is using and what weight thanks?
A lot of us use the Rotella T or Rotella T6


If your in a warmer area the Rotella T will work great but for colder winter months the T6 is best and can also be used year round as a lot of us Veterans use the T6 full synthetic year round

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Both above are great oils to use. Also Belray Thumper, Amsoil DIRT, FUCH's Silkolene, Spectro GOld are all good oils.
A lot of people use rotella. I use Yamalube 10w-40 because that's what it says in my manual.
Ok I went with Rotella T in the white jug 15-40 seems to be ok,so went for the first ride yesterday rode about 3 hours and I like the old quad but the clutch is a bear my left arm is sore today LOL my other quad was a Kawasaki kfx 450 and the clutch was a lot easier.
2 things you can do to fix the hard pull clutch lever
Easiest one is to do the raptor 350 clutch cable mod there is a how to post with list of parts needed to do the mod
Or you can change out the clutch with HD Driveline clutch kit

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Search on the forum, there is a few threads with all the parts you need and how to do it. You absolutely need the raptor 350 clutch cable, cable bracket and the bolt for the bracket.