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it is but I'm doing a university bridge program that lets me enter into the third year of the university program. Summer school sucks!
Yeah, deffinetly post some pics up when you can. I wouldn't sacrfice summer vacation for school bu that's just me.
cool. well good luck. hope summer school gets you finished quicker! im pre-nursing right now (getting pre-requisites for nursing program) so im not looking forward to fall semester. anatomy lab is going to suck HUGE balls. gotta disect a HUMAN cadaver! hope i can make it through without hurling or passing out!
Oh man, one time I took a tour of the local hospital and they showed me all the organs they have prepared for transplants. I very nearly fainted. I couldn't even stand or see anything. Good luck with that lab.
yeah im gonna need it. i passed out in bio lab last semester (well fall actually). our teacher (a grad student) pulled out this cow heart that was soaked in formaldehyde. this damn thing was about the size of my freakin head! and it was cut in half so you could see the interior chambers (atria and ventricles). i hadnt had anything to eat that day and add the smell of the formaldehyde which made me woozy, i went out when she opened the thing up. it sucked hard!
Well I keep forgeting to post pics but my brother got his cast off today so he got to ride the 300 for the first time. He loves it. He wanted to drag race on the road so we lined up and I won. Today was his first time using a manual clutch so he got a horrid launch but he never fell back at all after that. I still have stock gearing and 20" tires so I hit my top speed quick and he caught me and blew by me. But from the start to the finish I won. I think if he had more practice he would hammer me but my pipe is coming soon and I'll go to 14 on the front sprocket and we should be close. Great fun!