who is getting snow today

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2012
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va beach
as the title says who is getting snow and are you goin to go out and play? we are getting a little snow now and people are freaking out b/c they are not use to it lol, i would hate to be a cop or tow truck driver today
We had flurries a few minute ago. Supposed to get 4" tomorow. They weren't calling for anything today, from what I know. I'm not gunna play in it. After you take care of 6 horses and 1 mule in it, and maybe plow it, the last thing you want to do it play in it.
we are suppose to get a little tomorrow and sleet towards the night but to cold to play in i just hope i make it home from work tomorrow, dumb ***** on the road and i live an hour from work!!!
Finally getting a break in the snow today got 18 inches the last 3 days i wish i could send you all some.
Supposed to get 1-2" tonight and into tomorrow but with -13 windchills playtime will have to wait
i hear yall. it did not last long here but we are supposed to get a bit tomorrow night, maybe enough to not melt till sat. would love to get some snow pics
hell we've had -10 to -30 wind chills and below 0 temps here for the last week so it's about god damn time you easterners start getting your ***** froze!
Supposed to get up to 2" tonight but is CRAZY cold all week so prob no playin. Bummer
Supposed to get some Friday afternoon can't wait
The only good thing about snow is that it puts nitrogen back into the earth. Helps to make good hay crops.
^ and that im still young enough to make igloos in my yard without question!