Winch- How much is too much? 1st Gen.

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Jul 29, 2010
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I have an 02 that has a cycle country 1500lbs winch and mount. I never liked this setup and this weekend I was pulling bushes out with it and I blew up the spool. Not cycle country's fault, I was abusing the winch and I don't think it's rated for synthetic line.

I'm using this as an excuse to replace everything and I already bought the superwich mount but I'm not sure what line pull I should get. I use my winch a lot and sometimes the 1500 single line wasn't enough. But on the side of going to a 2500, I'm concerned about overtaxing the eletrical system, bending the frame, and the added weight.

I was hoping some people here could share there setup info with me and what problems you may have had with it. Has anyone here had electrical failure or bent there frame because of their winch?

Here's a pic. of my current setup.
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I personally think a 1500 is perfect for those Wolvs. If anything, go to a 2000. I think anything above that is overkill. Not saying you'd have problems with a 2500, but I think there wouldn't be much of an advantage to it.