what frame? toyota's come with frames? holy crap! that may be whats wrong with mine lol. i'll get pic's of my frame... it's only bad in one spot (re patch it with channel iron np
going to a cousins house with 2 kegs of bud, 3 bottles of vodka, and 2 24 packs of can sprite!just me, him and his wife and his brother and whoever i decide to bring along. watching movies alllll night long well drinking all night haha
Well here in Oklahoma it hit us good again, some places in the state got 20" the town I am in the central part got 6-12 inches. We been doing around the clock shifts to clean it up, lucky me I am on night shift.
Not sure how much we got up here, but I was snow blowing for 4+ hours and still have more to do tomorrow. If the warrior is any clue how bad it was here.
I would but the solenoid went bad and the battery took a ****. I need to get it indoors somewhere so I can thaw it out and start tearing it down for paint. I have 5 more pics of it before I started the snow blowing. I had to get a belt for the snow blower before I could start, for about 15 feet behind the truck my axles were dragging in the snow.
lol must be nice! We got about 7-8 inches here but its ALL iced over. I took the warrior threw that yard and the snow was so hard in some spots i was riding on top of it lol
ain't got nothin in GA and don't look like we will get any thank god! i'm tired of it being wet and mushy! i girl can only got muddin so many times before it gets alil boring