I dunno, you better have a good bit of experience before you dive into this one. That motor probably won't be even close to lining up on any of the mounts, and you'll have to make damn sure that the sprocket lines up right, which could mean the engine being offset to one side. You don't even have a guarantee it'll fit in the frame to begin with. And then you'll need a carb to go with the engine, there's at least another 200 bucks, and a complete wiring harness and the other electrical **** that goes with it, like the CDI. This could get real expensive real quick, and it'd be a lot of work. The end result if done right would be a machine that's fast as hell in a straight line if you can keep the front end down, but good luck actually riding it in the real world because it's going to be all over the place with that much power and the wimpy stock suspension. By the time you go through all the trouble to swap the engine, and build up the suspension to keep the thing under control, you'd probably have enough into the raptor to actually buy a yfz and without all that work and time put into it.