Hello everyone this is my first time posting after lurking for awhile. Let me tell ya about my bike real quick. I wanted to get a 4 wheeler last year and i didnt have much money to spend so i looked and looked and one day i found "the One" a craigslist ad for a 95 wolverine 350, it was about two hours away from me and i took a chance went and looked at it, it was almost perfect and the rest is history. Now i'm really happy with the bike rides good has good torque very reliable, but there was one thing i did not like and that was how every time i went for a ride i got covered in mud (i know i know that is half the fun but its different when you want to be covered in mud and when you just want to ride.) So i decided to get some fender flares...WRONG, I looked all over for these things, including suggestions on here with no luck. So like i always do i decided to take matters into my own hands and make some myself. I think they turned out pretty good, I have gone on a couple good rides now to test them and i'm real happy with them.