25" swamplite review

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Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Buffalo NY
I finally mounted up my set of 25x8 front and 25x10 rear swamplight tires yesterday and man are they great.heres my review so whoever is looking to purchases a set needs to read this thred

Shipping: I did not like the way the swamplights were packed. tight bands of packing tape forced the side wall to be deformed which did NOT help with the mounting process (we will get to that later) also they stink badly so dont keep thim in your house!

Mounting: HA this is the fun part, tools required tire changing machine, air compresser, 2 cans of ether, and a torch. since the bead is sooo loose on the rim from shipping, seting the bead was hard as crap to do, but thanks to the magic of science (danger) spary a healthy dose of ether inside, light with torch add some compressed air and poof tire mounted on a rim. dont mind if some of the nubs start on fire. YES this is dangerous but due to limited resources this worked out the best.

Rideing impressions: First of all wow do they look bad ass over stock! what an improvement in looks and ride hight soo nice. So now i needed to give them a try, my friend and i went out to put these tires to the test off we go on my wolverine and his Outlander 800 also running 26 " swamplites.

MUD performance:the weather was cold with sleet mixed with rain wich really helped put the tires to the test.We found a nice field with 3 to 4 foot soft tractor ruts filld with water and muck and mud, and i can say this is where this tire shines. This was some serious mudding as the tires just keept on chewing and cleaning off the mud with ease neather of us got stuck but very muddy it the process. as both of us were impressed we decided to try a different obsticle, wet fallen trees with soft wet ground. The swamp light proved its self a champ here too grabing and clawing every inch of traction possible. We all know how much a chalange logs are covered in mud /snow /rain. The outlander shined better here due to low range and front locker, but i only got the wolfy stuck once!

Road: Its a bias tire so its going to be shakey at speed, anything over 40 you need to get them ballanced, but no need to since my wolverine goes about 40 :(

Overall I'de rate these tires a 9 due to the hard time mounting, other than that They are lightweight, did not rob tons of power from the little 350, added ground clearence, and were outstanding in the mud!

so far i would recomend these tires to anyone!!!!

Thanks NYwolverine.
I almost purchased those with ITP type 5 rims but went with the ITP 589 M/S's instead. They do everything that ITP said they would. They'll bite anything you feed them and spit it out within one revolution ready for the next bite. The one thing that took me back was the added weight of the 6 ply as opposed to the 2 ply tires. Adding a White Bros E-series slip-on brought the torque up and now log hopping and hill climbing on the rear wheels in no problem. Bottom line....I love 'em. $560 to my door...that rims and tires.

Great review! I was mudding with my stockers, and i REALLY need new ones. They clog up with the gooey mud so easily, and I get stuck. Had to use the winch 3 times today! :?
wolverine350rider said:
Great review! I was mudding with my stockers, and i REALLY need new ones. They clog up with the gooey mud so easily, and I get stuck. Had to use the winch 3 times today! :?
Once you have the up-grade of tires your "grin factor" will increase a minimum of 10x's. You'll go places that you've had to pass by just because...
Like the Warn 424 you'll say "why didn't I get these sooner?" And one good thing with me is that I have a friend with a Timberwolf (22" tires) and he bought my Dunlop 25" stock set (with the rims) that I had on my Wolverine....$200. SWEEEEEET!!!!!!!!