So, last weekend I went riding with my buddies. Taking the Wolverine out for its 2nd "real" ride but 3rd in total. Anyway, I was about to go down a steep hill and I hear a very loud bang and then my rear brake lever was complete mush. I got off the quad and looked and I saw this...
Actuallym this picture was taken a little later after I removed the brake line and the caliper. The caliper was just sitting in the wheel well and messing up the rotor and eventually was making it hard for the wheel to turn so we had to remove the tire and take it off so I can get out of the woods. I continued to ride on it for a little more but I had to call the ride short because I needed to rush it to the dealership before they closed for Sunday and Monday.
What we think what happened is a colt fell out of the brake assembly and when I applied the brakes, it grabbed onto the rotor and began to move with it causing the caliper to drive up through the aluminum plate covering the rotor which ripped it apart, and the stress also made some tears in the break line.
Now, I decided to take this to the closest Yamaha dealership because my cousins shop where I bought it was over an hour away and since its a warranty issue, I could go anywhere. After a few days, they call me up and said Yamaha declined to cover it and it looks like an issue with the dealer not properly inspecting the bike before I got it so I should take it back to the place I bought it. I had to also pay them $65 for looking at it.
I took it back to my cousins shop and they are going to get it fixed. I think Xtreme machines on Rt 33 in NJ screwed me over big time for not taking care of this.
Anyway, Im hoping the wolverine will be back soon. They have to order parts for it so I hope Ill have her by this weekend.

Actuallym this picture was taken a little later after I removed the brake line and the caliper. The caliper was just sitting in the wheel well and messing up the rotor and eventually was making it hard for the wheel to turn so we had to remove the tire and take it off so I can get out of the woods. I continued to ride on it for a little more but I had to call the ride short because I needed to rush it to the dealership before they closed for Sunday and Monday.
What we think what happened is a colt fell out of the brake assembly and when I applied the brakes, it grabbed onto the rotor and began to move with it causing the caliper to drive up through the aluminum plate covering the rotor which ripped it apart, and the stress also made some tears in the break line.
Now, I decided to take this to the closest Yamaha dealership because my cousins shop where I bought it was over an hour away and since its a warranty issue, I could go anywhere. After a few days, they call me up and said Yamaha declined to cover it and it looks like an issue with the dealer not properly inspecting the bike before I got it so I should take it back to the place I bought it. I had to also pay them $65 for looking at it.
I took it back to my cousins shop and they are going to get it fixed. I think Xtreme machines on Rt 33 in NJ screwed me over big time for not taking care of this.
Anyway, Im hoping the wolverine will be back soon. They have to order parts for it so I hope Ill have her by this weekend.