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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
N.E. Saskatchewan, Canada
well on the 18th I was ridin' with my buddy(04dvx400).
We burned down backroads,visited a gravel pit,jumped/played.then we took off on a trail following a river to the golf course.Had a burger and was driving in the ditch along the highway back to town,jumping the roads as we came to them.
well on the last approach before town,it was way to sharp for jumping and launched me up instead forward....at full throttle!

well the view on the way down was clear anyway...my bikes bumper kissed the ground and flipped end over end 3 times. I got whipped off on the 3rd endo and the bike s bumper drove me in the shoulder.
The crash blew me out of my helmet and boots, well one boot anyway.
My left boot was hung up between the shifter and peg. My HJC blew to pieces.
After fighting off unconciousness I drove the bike the mile left to town(1st gear)

My bike suffered.......slighly(1/4") bent down left handle bar, bumper mount brackets bent.... thats it.
A guy who saw it on the highway said it looked cool but scary, I rode it for 2 endos.The old warr. landed on her feet and rolled over me then came to a stop.

I went to the hospital to get my knee x rayed and my head was pretty spinny.
I stayed over night for observation and more x rays in the morning.
I hyperextended my knee, and got some real good road rash about 1/3 back area.
I laid in the bed for a day and got out last night, I signed myself out.
I visited my doc. today at his office and he said my right clavicle (shoulder blade)is fractured 3/4 way across.
It stopped just before were it attaches to your shoulder socket.
No good painkillers(motrin/tyl only), shoulder is sore,knee is 3 times normal. but no casts or disfigurment.( really good black shiner too)
I'm kinda stiff today but pretty good for what happend.
The first day 1/2 I did not feel the road rash, but today it kinda " tingles"hahaaha

lucky I guess. My leg got levered between the peg and the handlebar on the initial impact,It should have tore but it did not. My shoulder blade should have been shattered too.

I don't know why I figured I had to jump at 50 mph on a jump that i was not familiar with.....stupidity......but fun till then... :p
hey as long as the bike is alright. jk. man thats got to suck. good luck on the recovery. later.
no the dvx was a ways behind and saw me go over it ****** , he didn't se the initial landing but saw it run me over.

Thanx for the condolence guys.

I don't plan on doing that again....Why I didn't test jump it first is beyond me....

******* race mentality....hahahaha

I feel not too bad today. Road rash burns more than any other pain (until I cough that is...)

Well I guess I won't be riding for a couple weeks.
Middle of aug. ......Look out!

I havn't crashed that bad for like 12 years.... not too bad of judgment I guess,considering my riding style.

take her easy boys, I'll take her any way I can... ;D
Much better today. My shoulder will move without wincing in pain, my back is not so sore, the road rash is drying up and healing, and my knee is only like 1.5 the size it should be...
Maybe I'll go for a spin....