Well-Known Member
White fenders would look cool too how long till it's running again?
man, this thing is panning out to look to good to put those crappy plastics back on it, you need to hunt down some real blackies now.
White fenders would look cool too how long till it's running again?
this thing is an masterpiece. omgg. what kind of shock are these? this is something i would feel like a complete badass owning. awesome work 87
All black is def better than the bright green frame.
That thing is BADD. You know that black is going to show all kinds of dirt though, haha.
man that bike is sick... all it needs is a deadlast (Jack Daniels) graphics kit
Holy **** that would be awesome!!!!! Since i have the top of my kitchen shelfs FILLED with JD bottles over the past year:iagree: