yea pretty much what tyler said. if they were made to have the most performance with ton of disks or no disks at all, why would they bother with giving you the option with putting in very few or putting in more? if you just stack a ton in there or take the cap off, sure you will get a lot of flow, but it will get to the point where it will just start to hurt your power because these engine need some back pressure. so if you have a good bit of disks, just experiment with it. and if you want to be obnoxiously loud and annoying just put as many disks in there as you possibly can, or just take the end cap off completely, more disks can only benefit you to so much before you actually start hurting your performance. how many disks is to much i have no idea, i never really played around with disks on my supertrapp. i hope im making some sort of sense for you.