Got my zilla's

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Mar 30, 2010
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Put them on Wednesday night. They are 25". Went for a little quick ride. It didn't feel like I lost any umph on the bottom end. Going to give it a good test this weekend where we go riding (that includes mud, hills, sand, the whole schebang). Will update on how they did. I am still up in the air about a clutch kit (will make the decision after this weekend)
cool, I've loved mine,we need pics though.
Gave them a good test Friday night ran through a fair amount of mud holes and did quite a bit of trail riding Friday and Saturday. I can't say that I feel like I need the clutch kit. It doesn't feel like I lost anything. I am thinking the money would better be served going to exaust and rejet. Any opinions.
Also working on the pics thing.
What year do you have? I have a 08 4x4 450 I lost top end then did pipe, jet, filter and gained alot.
08 4X4 450. Did you do the clutch kit also? Which pipe did you go with? I already had a K&N filter on it (put it on when I got it)
I did a HMF PIPE with a 140 jet no clutch kit maybe someday,My friend knows alot about machining sheaves and weights, springs and would hook me up. I would prolly dump money into a big bore kit first. If you do the jetting do a dyno jet not just the 140. What I wish is i could get more top end 50 isnt fast enough to try and keep up with 750 brutes and 800 sportsmans.

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