How fast does your 450 go??

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Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
Wales. UK
Hi all,

Have recently bought a wolverine 450 2008 model, very pleased with it so far.

Have read on the internet on various sites that it will do 50-55mph??

mine does around 50-55kmph is that what it should do???
Fastest I've had mine was 53mph, on level pavement. That's as fast as it will go.
50 I suppose if I put my stock tires back on I could get 55-56 out if it.

It sort of sucks my friend has a 800x2 sportsman and topped it out at 76
Do you hit a rev limiter at top speed? I'm just curious about this when ever I have tried to push it over since getting my mods it has started cutting out at top speed. Was thinking going up to a 142 main jet.