How To: Post Pics/Resize Images

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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
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Ok guys this is really easy take your pictures go to or make yourself an account and upload your pictures. Once you have your pictures on there get the full-size picture of them. Left click a go to properties get the URL and come back here.

When you are posting a message click the image button in the tool bar that appears above. Two img codes will appear all you have to do is paste the URL in between these two blocks. place your url in between them IN HERE[img] and your done.

Need help resizing an image?

Download IrfanView from [url=][/url]

Its easy to use and its FREE!

Once you have downloaded and installed IrfanView, simply run the program, open your .gif, or .jpg image, and resave it as another version (example: in IrfanView, open file named warrior1.jpg, and resave it as warrior1.jpg).

Can we try to use this program or can we try to resize the images before we post them. Really large images are not only annoying but a lot of times I won't take the time to look at them if I have to scroll every direction to view it. Thanks Pelphrey
I can delete this post but instead of downloadding that thing to resize images you can go to Paint which every computer should have

1. Open Paint
2. Open image
3. Go to Image
4. Click on Sketch/Skew
5. Enter in a number On Stretch
6. Click ok
7. If it is not small enough then redo steps 3-6
8. Click File, save
Comment: Im not Real sure on how much smaller/bigger you want it but if you put in a number less then 100 it will go smaller but if you put in a number bigger then 100 it will go bigger
Your post is fine. I don't care what is used to resize pictures just as long as it gets done..Thanks for the help atv..
Okay i know how to re-size the pics but what button do i press to get the pics to show up?

Use instead. See my post in this section of the site.
I got that I'm just wondering cause in the original post he says to click the image button in the toolbar that appears above and I can't find anything. Sorry if I'm just totally missing the point.
Ok so I have another way for posting your images. I'm now using to host my images. You can log in to it with your google or facebook account and upload your images there then use embed code drop menu copy the bb full link and paste it in you post

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Imgbox also works well also ...just post the bb-code but remember to click full size or it will post thumbnails

There is also witch does have an app and you can share directly to it from your Google photos
