New project :-O

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750 snowmobile engine.... but on your 1 acre of land you will olny need like a 400 ex honda motor lol
im not riding it on my land...screw that. I live like 1/4 mile from the freeway. I will just cruise up and down the roads.
where can you fit one of these in an oddessey

The back engine compartment is huge. Google search Honda odyssey in google images man. It has a ton of room back there.
yea, but i want it to be crazy fast...100+ mph, for bragging rights, and it would be fun. And i wouldnt have to buy any modifications for the street bike motor, it already has enough power. But if i find like a cr500 motor i will drop er' in there
yea, but i want it to be crazy fast...100+ mph, for bragging rights, and it would be fun. And i wouldnt have to buy any modifications for the street bike motor, it already has enough power. But if i find like a cr500 motor i will drop er' in there

Thats real smart, 100+ mph in a little gocart. Thats not even the bad part, the bad part is, that you said you are going to ride it on the freeway. Thats smart, video tape it for us so we have something to remember you by when you get run over by a big-rig. I honestly wouldnt feel to safe going over 100 in a go-cart but thats just me. But anyway, good luck finding a cheap motor.
Dan, i was j/k about riding on the freeway...i actually WANT to get my license when im 16. I will just ride it on the rodes. It has a roll cage, and im putting a racing seatbelt in it. Im not messin around, lol i dont want to die. And i found a 650 street bike motor.
How fast do u guys think it would go with a YZ or CR250 motor in it? Or a crf 450 or yzf426? I want speed, and i want to be able to drift all day long. Thats why i want a street bike motor. But if a normal dirt bike motor can do that, then i will go w/ that.
its little ******* like you that ruin a good message board. I never talked **** to u until u called me a fat ass. But if ur gonna be a mega cocksmith, then be that way. But there isnt any point in internet arguing.

I just don't see an odyssey drifting regardless of how much power it has. Most of your body weight, and all the weight of the motor is positioned over the rear wheels. They have so much rear wheel traction that it'll just roll over, or more likely the front wheels will slide and you'll hit a tree. If you put a snowmobile motor in it the thing will be fast as hell. I don't know how well a manual shift motor like a sportbike motor would work out in something like that. You could replace one of the brake levers with the clutch lever, but what would you do with the shifter?
How fast do u guys think it would go with a YZ or CR250 motor in it? Or a crf 450 or yzf426? I want speed, and i want to be able to drift all day long. Thats why i want a street bike motor. But if a normal dirt bike motor can do that, then i will go w/ that.

Why will you even consider those when you said that the quadzilla 500 motors are not strong enough?
cuz everyone is tellin me how i should put a bike motor in it, and Zilla motors love to grenade, so im not using one.