Thanks guys, o about today, wow im hurting. My back is killing me and so is my whole left arm(clutch). I thought it was going to he hard like phisical on everything on my body and everything would be killing. The only thing i really noticed was my clutch hand/arm, it was dead within the first lap. I stoped on my second to take dring and felt my arm it was all cramped up it felt like my arm was cement, it was so hard, what i didnt notice was that i thought i was pulling in the clutch during the last couple laps but i wasnt i was just riding and holding with that hand and just shifting. Yeah thats how bad my clutch was i could just shift without pulling it it and i didnt even notice it becuase i was too consentrated on my arm hurting.
Thanks for everything guys, i plan on building that other warrior and getting the money to build my up and i should be back out at the tracks in a month or two.
P.S. if anyone ever asked you guys how to prepar for a race and you say its phisicaly hard tell them to work out there clutch hand/arm like no other or you wont even be able to hold on by the end of the race, i couldnt.