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Active Member
Feb 5, 2023
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Picked this bike up last week for $1800. Needs tires and a tune up but otherwise seemed pretty solid. Motor spins freely and it’s got good compression and spark. No gas in it and the fuel shut off leaks bad. Bought a carb, shutoff rebuild, plug, air filter, seat cover, and oil filter today for it. Going to try and get it started this weekend and see if the tires will hold air long enough to ride it around a bit. Plans are to take it to hidden falls with the wife and kids (she’s got a yamaha breeze and my daughter has a Polaris 50) and cruise around there. Take it to the deer lease and play with it. Just something fun to tinker on and enjoy.


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Waiting on a few parts to come in. Swapped out the clutch and throttle cables with motion pros. Took the carb off and wow. Thing is junked up. Had to pull the needle out with pliers. Glad my zoom zoom carb came in today. Before anyone says anything, I’ve got a zoom zoom on my 125 and my 50 and I’ve had great luck with them so not to concerned. Tomorrow my plug, air filter, oil filter, and shutoff rebuild kit show up so maybe by this weekend I’ll have it running. C4F85133-09E8-451F-813F-AA1CF390D6AC.jpeg5EAAABC1-1E8C-440E-BFFF-317C15B23CF8.jpeg
Did an oil change on it today and I’m not sure how old it is but there was definitely some sludge and stuff in the filter.
Got the new carb, new filter, new air filter, new spark plug, new clutch cable, new throttle cable, new oil filter, and new oil. Turned the key and she fired right off and had a great idle. Revs nice and happy. Need to tweak the carb a touch because a quick stab of the throttle from idle causes it to bog but an aggressive ramp up is no problem.
For sure. Probably looks worse because it’s been sitting so long.

On another note, way to many tire choices for these bikes.
For sure. Probably looks worse because it’s been sitting so long.

On another note, way to many tire choices for these bikes.
A lot of guys like the kenda klaws since they hook good and last forever. I always liked the maxxis razr but I don't think they're worth the money now. I just recently saw the og itp holeshot on either motosport or Rocky Mountain for a great price.
Got bored waiting on tires so I upgraded the shifter.


Tires will be here tomorrow and I should be riding it by the weekend.
Tires showed up today. Ordered 4 tires and 5 showed up. Only charged for 4. Thanks rockymountain for the spare. And yes, those are the factory dunlop’s it rolled off the showroom floor with in 2003.

So much better looking. Picking my battery up this afternoon. So close to first ride. DCD465BC-3B6D-4A05-AF5A-A4CF3F7171F4.jpeg76D321C0-0FAE-4EF2-A51F-732033216BBA.jpeg
Got to ride it for the first time and I’m glad I didn’t get a bigger bike. This thing is fast and fun. I really gotta fiddle with the carb because that stutter I mentioned earlier is way more pronounced trying to ride it. I think it’s the accelerator pump. Need to do the valve stem cap mod and see if that helps.
@ZOOMZOOMPARTS I’m having trouble with this carb. At idle if I stab it, it dies. Idles fine. Roll into the throttle slowly and it’s fine. But a quick hit and it just dies. It’s a bit of a pain trying to come off the clutch having to feather the throttle. The accelerator pump is working and there’s no slack between the arm and plunger. I’ve played with the mixture screw. Any other thoughts?
Fiddled with this thing some more. Did the pen spring thing. Not sure if it did anything. I just sat there and kept spinning the air/fuel screw back and forth and stabbing the throttle and I got it to where it won’t just outright die, but it coughs and keeps going. Idle sounds high though. Probably need to get a tach on here and see where it’s at. I do know any lower on the rpm’s and it’ll choke and die. Tried it with the air box off and on and no change. I’m gonna let it cool and pull the plug and see where it’s at but I’ve got a feeling I’m headed towards buying a jet kit.
Fiddled with this thing some more. Did the pen spring thing. Not sure if it did anything. I just sat there and kept spinning the air/fuel screw back and forth and stabbing the throttle and I got it to where it won’t just outright die, but it coughs and keeps going. Idle sounds high though. Probably need to get a tach on here and see where it’s at. I do know any lower on the rpm’s and it’ll choke and die. Tried it with the air box off and on and no change. I’m gonna let it cool and pull the plug and see where it’s at but I’ve got a feeling I’m headed towards buying a jet kit.
I don't have much experience with the zoom zoom carbs but I heard there might be a passageway that's smaller than stock? If it's fine with slower throttle inputs but does when you stab it I don't think a jet kit will help. I guess you could try playing with the air fuel screw and see. If you end up having the screw out too far go up one size in the pilot.
I dunno. I can’t imagine a stock bike needing a jet kit. I just know it shouldn’t bog like it does. At least I’ve got it to where it’s easier to drive around. I’m going to try and clean the stock carb and see if maybe I can resurrect it and put it back on there.
Seems the bog off idle with a quick throttle stab is a common thing. I’ve tried the tricks to fix it but no luck. An interesting difference is this zoom zoom carb has the accelerator pump spraying directly down the throat while the OEM carb sprays at the side. But other than the quick throttle stumble she runs amazing. I bought a different carb under a recommendation on another forum to swap on and see if that helps the problem any. It’s really only bad when it’s cold.
No update. I just love this quad. Left some ruts doing power slides in the yard. Oops. Definitely have to let it sit and idle for a good 5-10mins and warm up. Once you do that, the bog is pretty much gone but still there.
@ZOOMZOOMPARTS I’m having trouble with this carb. At idle if I stab it, it dies. Idles fine. Roll into the throttle slowly and it’s fine. But a quick hit and it just dies. It’s a bit of a pain trying to come off the clutch having to feather the throttle. The accelerator pump is working and there’s no slack between the arm and plunger. I’ve played with the mixture screw. Any other thoughts?
Buy a cheap amazon carb and replace the jets and float needle and you won’t have a problem mine work great no issues


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I’ve got one on the way. It’ll be here either tomorrow or next Friday. Although I rode it today and when it’s warmed up the bog is much better.