Still smokes after new piston and rings

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Ok so the brand new piston and rings well just rings need to be replaced again then even thow ive only ridin it about 10 times around my house and prolly 3 or 4 times down my street,, about 4 yard lengths??? you think it hurt them that quick??

Yeah you need fresh rings every time you hone the cylinder so they seat right. Do it right and you won't have to do it again in a long time.
**** i realy didnt want to her this guys,, i paid that ass hole 200 when i dropped it all of to him the first time and had to pay him 300 more when i picked it up!!! i cant do that again im just going to have to run it and hope for the best!!!
you just need rings. nothing but rings and a autozone honing tool will do it. dont run it like that. it is abuse.
Don't run it the way it is. You can do more damage to it, and spend more money then you can now. Rings aren't expensive, and all you have to do it adjust the ring end gaps. The hone (flex hone) will cost roughly $60. It is not hard to hone a cylinder. You just need a good variable speed drill, oil, and a bench vise. Put the cylinder in the bench vise enough to hold it. Then glob some oil in the cylinder, followed by running the hone through it using the drill. Just don't go super fast or turtle slow. If you have, or can get, an old cyinder, use it to practice on.