I knew Michone would make it to the Prision. Merle is an ass hat, his day will come. I bet when Deryl and him meet up, Deryl kick his ass after a bit. Rick lost his mind but I think hes finally got it back together now after his crazy imaginary phone calls.
The Governor and his head collection is still weirding me out.
I knew Carole was alive. They left it opened for that when T Dog gave his life for her, and she ran out the door. I think Daryl and is going to kill Merle. I'm guessing that rick will go for the governor. Andrea seems to like screwing ********. First Shane, now the gov.
Andrea shoulda died season one. And the gov needs to get killed with her. I wonder what he'll do with Glen and Maggie now that he knows Andrea knows them.
Andrea doesn't bother me too much. I would have liked Shane getting killed off sooner then they did. He agrivated the **** out of me. I'm still waiting for the black fella and his kid to be brought back into the show(they guy that helped Rick when he got out of the hospital). If they bring him back, I bet they tie him to Michone. Lori always irritated me. Couldn't stand her, and I'm glad she is gone. Daryl is one of my favorites. I like how what they have done with his character.
Daryl is one of my favorites too. I agree with the fact that Shane should have been gone sooner. At first I thought that black guy was the person getting a hold of Rick on the phone
That black guy? you mean T-Dog? T-Dog is/was the ****.
All the people on the phone were the people at camp from the first season, when they were outside Atlanta. It was Amy, Shane, Dale then Lorri on the phone in that order and they were talking about their camp at that one point in time, also when Rick camp back to meet Lori for the first time since he was in the Hospital, probably the last time he was happy.
No dude, the black guy and his kid that helped Rick right after he got out of the hospital, and went home to find Lori and Carl. He whacked Rick in the face with a shovel, then tied him to the bed until he knew he wasn't a walker.
^ yes that guy. And I don't think it was shane I think it was the guy that was digging the holes when they were by the quarries camp, Tim I think? But the others were right.