I love buying fixeruppers
I bought my katana streetbike for 750 bucks! Honestly under all the dirt and road grime it doesnt look 1/2 bad considering is was spray bombed. I took turtle wax polishing compound to it and it shined up real nice. Polished to yoshimura can with my powerball (amazing investment right there i did a review on it here) The triple tree, brake lever, brake resevoir, brake pedal. Put some carbon film on in spots. To be honest i could at least double my money on this thing. Not to mention its now actually rideable now that i replaced the chain and sprockets and stuff. And i had the carbs pretty much figured out. Turns out i had to adjust the floats. It was getting way too much fuel all over the place to the point if you rode at a steady rpm it would just foul the plugs. Now i adjusted them a little and its not getting enough fuel. So im going to go tinker with them a little more tommorow.
WAYYYY of topic there sorry haha. anyway nice looking bike again. Im glad you have something a little better to tinker with... all that matters is that you are happy.