What did you do to your quad today?

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We got up to the 50's yesterday here in Michigan, all the snow is melted. Short sleeves in the middle of January is an awesome feeling. Makes me anxious for summer to start again, considering it's gonna drop back into the 20's again this week.
the bitter cold is coming your way haha!

Not excited. The snow is fun to ride in, but holy **** yesterday when I was riding in the grass since all the snow melted, the feeling of having the tires hook up right away was insane. I was so happy to have traction again that I was just tearing up my yard lol.
So we had 74 today but by tuesday back to the 40s,,,atleast i got the pipe painted and the headlights painted and got my accelerator pump in,, damn it was nice for one day thow..
Pulled the starter off the mule. Fricken solenoid is shot. Gotta wait til tomorrow to get a new one. And it's 17 degrees here.
Sorry about the starter thow but dont feel bad i have a new one right now to put on mine but havent yet actauly think its my oneway gear thats bad, but owell ill get it done soon..
Got mine extremely muddy at a local hillclimb/mud pit. then got booted off the land, turns out its now privately owned. Damn that place was fun to ride too
One less place to ride! Damn! Soon we will all be trying to ride in one lil mud hole. Gonna b all that's left we r allowed in. Til someone complains about the noise. >:
i dont have a problem driving a bit to ride on state land but dammit sometimes i just wanna haul ass down the road, break of into a field and tear **** up HAHA. Oh well the MX parks open back up in March so i'll head there once they open. Guess for now i'll just load em up and take em to the state forest.
Took the bike for a ride today. I'm a fanatic for a clean bike. Very hard for me to get it dirty. In fact I even took off the lowering kit to do this. It was fun just hate seeing it like this lol.




Put the body back on the warrior, first time its had the whole body on at one time in more than a year. Still didnt get the hid's working properly but i will..

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