Well-Known Member
Well i figured it finnaly time to write this review after about a month of riding. This exhaust is just plain awesome. The power increase is great, going from stock to the DG was an increase, but then going from the DG to the yosh was an even bigger increase. The exhaust a boguht came with the tec kit B, which is the quieter insert that reduces the noise to 93 db's. With the spark arrestor in the quad has so much topend its sick, it hits hard with a 2 stroke powerband like feel, with it out it has smoother power everywhere with maybe a hint more bottom but it takes off the topend quite a bit. Overall this is one of the best exhaust systems ive seen for the warrior and i would reccomend it to everyone. I got mine for about 285, the HMF may be cheaper but id pay the extra 45 bucks for the yosh anyday. Its awesome and the construction is great very sturdy and fully stainless steel with an aluminum endcap so it will never tarnish or rust. Simply awesome, all i need now is either the powerbomb header or the yosh header. Pictures to come sometime soon. ;D