Ive been with atv connection for a probally a year or two and i must agree they do suck dick you have 4or5 with 660z built by >CRAY CRAFT<our wtf ever its called and they think there **** dont stink and for some weird ******* reason 90%of the people on there LOVE 2 BASH THE 350 warrior / raptor ooh its so slow bla bla bla when from my past rides i can kill a 400 ex off the line and rub its back tires on top end and from what i read the 450z hit 70-73 miler per hour and the warrior can hit 60-65 so were talking 10 2 five miles per hour i never knew it was that big of a diff
and i for one think that the warrior/rap makes ******* awesome power off bottom and on mid range with the addition of a new pipe and diffrent jetting and im not upping the 350 because i have one if it sucked i would say it rite off the only probs i have with em is they need to be wider stock form besides that there ******* awesome atvz and i have had a blaster they hands down are the biggest p.o.s ever made there way to small which makes them dangerous as hell for a learner due to its love of stalling an rolling down hills due to it lack of power and shortness but anyways ill shut up now even though i could go on forever about ATV CONNECTION and BLASTERS which both ******* SUCK i shall make a post there telling them how much they suck ;D ~~2FAST4URASS