Well-Known Member
You ain't a little prejudiced are you, Tis?
Those DVX's are sweet looking quads. I saw a tony stewert edition in gander mountain, although i dont like tony stewert or anytihng id have to say if i was buying one of the 400's thats what it would be.
I like the yfz or banshee more though.
about owls duh. :the front of the predator looks sorta like an owl
you know, 2 big round headlighs and that point that comes down inbetween, what were they thinking
ima have to go with the 1987 honda 250 ex lol............... nah deff the yfz450..
[quote:70qlq8ma]ima have to go with the 1987 honda 250 ex lol............... nah deff the yfz450..