anybody out there know of any body graphic kits for the 06+ wolverine...i have looked and have seen plenty i like, but not ones cut for us....i have a 06 that is white...and boring....looking to tweek it a lil....thanks
The only ones I know of that are actually cut for the 06+ wolvy is the GYTR ones, and I dont really like it enough to drop the cash for it. I am hoping that the FST BBK comes with a decal kit because he used to have them for the 350 wolvy when you did the bbk or the stroker.
Adapt Racing ( did the graphics for FST's 350, except there isnt anything on thier site about it (got the info from Sept '06 issue Dirt Wheels- FST 446cc Wolv. 350 w custom IRS). I dunno who makes graphics for the 450s, though. Just looked through some magazines, oddly enough I couldnt find any of the graphics ads you always see, only Alba and One Ind., and they didnt have anything advertised on thier websites for the 450.
I have the blue/white/black/silver urban camo on mine I like it alot. I have gotten numerous comments on the trail about its looks. The last few videos in the action section show the camo grapics on my wolverine.
They have set specific, you have to go to custome sets and when you scroll throught the machines availible they ahve them for the '06-'08 models, we are going to order some for Lisa's Wolverine. They have them, trust me.
Yeah. I just checked. If you go to ATV Kits-CUSTOM COLORS and choose kit, lets say camo. Then go down to availible models and Wolverine 450 is listed, and the plastic is the same as the 350.
I hate to bring up an old topic but didn't want to post a new thread on the same subject.
I'm trying to give my 99 wolverine a face lift. I keep finding all kinds of killer graphics for sport quads and for the newer wolverine. But I can't find anything at all for the older bikes like mine.
Any suggestions? Has anyone had them custom made for their bike? If so what dimensions did you give them to create the graphics kit?