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I so kind of see it now, threads used to last about a week, now they come and go, and it does seem as if they dont look it up but they make another post and its easy stuff, like "i have no gas, and my quad wont run" so i see where your coming from, but i still think you should take it easy on the newbs, it getting warm out more people are gonna ride and things will break, so prepare for more stupid questions...
I'm sure ur daddy uncle brother helped you with EVERYTHING. Because wat lil rich spoiled btchs do. Well I don't have a shop or have a daddy to show me ****. Everything is old news to u guys. I don't understand why u even say anything at all if u know everything smart ass. I guess u want drama or post stupid topics like this because u have nothing else to do. Wow ur really helpful to the site.. I'm done with this forum and deleting this mickey mouse ********. Hopefully ur "senior members" come back:) nice strategy on building this site back up douche bag.
Weve been taking it easy, for the last two years, its fallen fast. Now its time to nut up and get in line while its worth arguing about.
I'm sure ur daddy uncle brother helped you with EVERYTHING. Because wat lil rich spoiled btchs do. Well I don't have a shop or have a daddy to show me ****. Everything is old news to u guys. I don't understand why u even say anything at all if u know everything smart ass. I guess u want drama or post stupid topics like this because u have nothing else to do. Wow ur really helpful to the site.. I'm done with this forum and deleting this mickey mouse ********. Hopefully ur "senior members" come back:) nice strategy on building this site back up douche bag.

This is the exact childish whiny ******** that keeps me off. Oops did I step on your toes? My bad, let me kissit. Dam dude, grow up. As for spoils kids, there's not one on here. Not that ive found. I am working middle class, had my warrior since December 05 I work full time Plus the parts I build on here and have collage in the fall. If your gonna whine go home to momma, if you have a question think, then search, or pm a member if its simple. If all else fails, post a thread.
I so kind of see it now, threads used to last about a week, now they come and go, and it does seem as if they dont look it up but they make another post and its easy stuff, like "i have no gas, and my quad wont run" so i see where your coming from, but i still think you should take it easy on the newbs, it getting warm out more people are gonna ride and things will break, so prepare for more stupid questions...

And that is just fine..... I dont put my bike up when it gets cold out so i'm always tearing my **** up...... People need to learn i get it we have all be there. I'm there right now with my new to me 86 atc 250r. I get it. But I have not had one question on either 3wheelerworld or trx250.net that has not been answered by me searching for the answer. That means many hours searching the threads looking for what i want. Not just typing in one key word and calling it good. I'm all about new members and like questions. But there is a point where it just becomes ridiculous with the questions being asked. On 3ww you need to be a member for 2 months before you can post on the rest of the forum, you are restricted to the new member hellos and the new member question thread. There is no BS over there its awesome.
Got a problem with the forum, or helping others, then don't visit. It's that simple.

The whole purpose of this place is to spread knowledge, and no question is stupid here. We welcome all newbies, and the veterans willing to help them out.

There's no point to this thread, so bye-bye.
Life gets in the way man. I was here before EVERYONE on here (except JasonP). Im still here. I've seen and read it all. I mean, least the site is active, a ton has been covered. Almost everything warrior related has been talked upon. I DO wish it would stick to the stuff at hand, but then forum activity would drop. Derailment is actually better then it has been in the past believe it or not.

I wanna see more pics and hear more wheeling stories if you really have nothing to add. People post just to post and its kind of annoying.

Intellegent talk and spec questions are loved and needed. Most have been covered but can still be added to. Thing is and always will be, the warrior is a "beginner quad" for 85% of prople owning them, so you get "kids" that dont know tech talk or how to properly ask or look for an answer. It will ALWAYS be that way for the quad we all love to ride and own. Site goes in waves of good and bad times, it's just how things opperate. Sit back and enjoy the show, use the site to your advantage and how you want, it's here to entertain EVERYONE in the way that they like it.
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