Hello everyone!! I’m the new kid on the block

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Feb 1, 2025
Reaction score
West Virginia
What’s up everyone I just joined the forum yesterday and was approved today so thanks for letting me join!! I just recently bought a 1998 Yamaha 350 warrior I’ve always wanted one ever since the 1st day I saw them but never was able to get one in my early yrs. I waited till now to get one I’m 54yrs old everybody tried to stop me from getting one at this age my daughter kept saying dad your gonna get hurt now after they have seen me ride none of them say a word to me about it anymore lol. I have great places to ride I live in West Virginia and it’s a blast riding here I haven’t been through the old trails I use to ride in since I was in my 20s I then had a 1987 Suzuki 230 quad sport. But I tell you what I have forgotten how much fun it is on these things. I’m single live alone don’t answer to anybody so if I’m not at work I will be in the woods. If anybody has any questions about me or anything feel free to ask idk a lot about these warriors so I am going to have questions for y’all so I can learn coz I’m going to start rebuilding and updating my warrior thanks again for letting me join.
Welcome to the forum. And if you're from WV, as it shows, you have many beautiful areas to ride in.
Welcome and ask away.
Thanks man Ive had my Warrior for about 4 or 5 months I have been watching video after video on YouTube trying to learn all the upgrades you can do to these quads since I got it I have replaced the starter the run stop switch on the handle bars the solenoid and the battery after all of that me and a buddy of mine was looking over the frame real good looking for cracks and noticed that the warrior had been wrecked b4 I got it and it had taken a really hard hit on the front left side you could see where they had tried to straighten the frame back up but it was tweeked to bad so I jus started riding it until I was able to figure out what I was gonna do but by then I was pulling out of my driveway and the left side lower ball joint falls out so right then I had decided to start looking for a new/used frame and I am going to rebuild this warrior yesterday is on marketplace I find a guy that is selling nerf bars and warrior parts near me he had a frame I asked him how much he wanted for the frame when he told me how much he wanted for it I bout hit the floor I got lucky that day I got the frame $40 bucks and I got a seat that was twice as good as mine for $20 bucks the guy told me it was a 2000 frame it is in excellent shape except for a couple small cracks which can be fixed but I’m gonna have it sandblasted and check for anymore cracks and fix everything on it and start rebuilding it iv already ordered my 1st upgraded parts for it I got both upper and lower extended +2 control arms from a Honda 400ex
Thanks man Ive had my Warrior for about 4 or 5 months I have been watching video after video on YouTube trying to learn all the upgrades you can do to these quads since I got it I have replaced the starter the run stop switch on the handle bars the solenoid and the battery after all of that me and a buddy of mine was looking over the frame real good looking for cracks and noticed that the warrior had been wrecked b4 I got it and it had taken a really hard hit on the front left side you could see where they had tried to straighten the frame back up but it was tweeked to bad so I jus started riding it until I was able to figure out what I was gonna do but by then I was pulling out of my driveway and the left side lower ball joint falls out so right then I had decided to start looking for a new/used frame and I am going to rebuild this warrior yesterday is on marketplace I find a guy that is selling nerf bars and warrior parts near me he had a frame I asked him how much he wanted for the frame when he told me how much he wanted for it I bout hit the floor I got lucky that day I got the frame $40 bucks and I got a seat that was twice as good as mine for $20 bucks the guy told me it was a 2000 frame it is in excellent shape except for a couple small cracks which can be fixed but I’m gonna have it sandblasted and check for anymore cracks and fix everything on it and start rebuilding it iv already ordered my 1st upgraded parts for it I got both upper and lower extended +2 control arms from a Honda 400ex
Hold on you can't just do 400ex arms.

For the frame I would tig all the cracks and a lot of the poor welds from the factory and do a gusset kit. I have a good frame in Ohio too.
Hold on you can't just do 400ex arms.

For the frame I would tig all the cracks and a lot of the poor welds from the factory and do a gusset kit. I have a good frame in Ohio too.
Well b4 I even knew anything about this forum I was told I could use 400ex arm I did my research on it watching videos on YouTube several videos showed guys putting them on a warrior only thing you have to do is add spacers where you bolt them up I’ve got them on it now and it does jus fine I jus have to get new shocks for it now I set the preload on my shocks. A buddy of mine tigs I’ll get him to work on it for me after sandblasting and I had already planned on getting a gusset kit for it I have a pic of it b4 I set the preload IMG_0761.jpeg
Well b4 I even knew anything about this forum I was told I could use 400ex arm I did my research on it watching videos on YouTube several videos showed guys putting them on a warrior only thing you have to do is add spacers where you bolt them up I’ve got them on it now and it does jus fine I jus have to get new shocks for it now I set the preload on my shocks. A buddy of mine tigs I’ll get him to work on it for me after sandblasting and I had already planned on getting a gusset kit for it I have a pic of it b4 I set the preload View attachment 5980
You can see where the frame was hit
Well b4 I even knew anything about this forum I was told I could use 400ex arm I did my research on it watching videos on YouTube several videos showed guys putting them on a warrior only thing you have to do is add spacers where you bolt them up I’ve got them on it now and it does jus fine I jus have to get new shocks for it now I set the preload on my shocks. A buddy of mine tigs I’ll get him to work on it for me after sandblasting and I had already planned on getting a gusset kit for it I have a pic of it b4 I set the preload View attachment 5980
What a arms are on it now? And ive seen the same thing about the 400ex a arms
I had the 400ex lt arms on mine and wasn't a fan.

You're probably going to want yfz450x shocks for those. Let the suspension droop out all the way and let me know the eye to eye length.
I had the 400ex lt arms on mine and wasn't a fan.

You're probably going to want yfz450x shocks for those. Let the suspension droop out all the way and let me know the eye to eye
I had the 400ex lt arms on mine and wasn't a fan.

You're probably going to want yfz450x shocks for those. Let the suspension droop out all the way and let me know the eye to eye length.
they said on one of the videos I watched the 400ex arms are considered long travel on a warrior and a 18.5 shock was recommended and the yfz450 shock was what I was gonna go with but I’m not really wanting to do anything else with this bent up frame after redoing this new frame I have I want to put all new parts and upgrades on it I don’t do hardly any real hard riding with the frame the way it is we go and play in the mud a lot around here once I get the new frame built then things will change I’ll do a lil more aggressive riding once I know my quad it built stronger
What an arms are on it now? And ive seen the same thing about the 400ex a arms
I have the aftermarket 400ex extended +2 arms on it now the photo I posted was b4 I set preload I set it yesterday it looks a lot better but I haven’t got to ride it yet coz past 2 days it’s been pouring the rain and storming
Welcome aboard and your good too ask away but ask b4 you just start buying parts alotta us are on fb warrior groups I suggest joining those also
What are the names of the fb groups everyone here is in? I was looking through them there is a whole lot of them